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Respond to tap event

I am trying to figure out how to respond to a tapped event...I can do it in the Hololens Academy, but apperently that code/example is out of date, and so I wanted to use the Hololens Toolkit...

I added the GesturesInput to my hologram, and it fires a RaiseSourceClickedEvent() on an airtap...great. Now, how do I respond to that? I assume I add another script to the object that I want to respond to the airtapped event, but I have no idea...One thought is to modify the GesturesInput.cs to do what I want, but then I will need to add that script to every object that responds to a GesturesInput, maybe that's ok, but it seems like there's a better way and the example with "out-of-date" code uses a listener to call FocusedObject.SendMessageUpwards("OnSelect");

On a side note, is it just me that thinks the out of date tutorials are frustrating? There seems to be a lack of up-to-date "how-to" out there...sure there's an API, but for those of us just beginning, that's a little too vague and using out of date code feels second-rate...anyway, just a thought.

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    Hi @toddfielder. First, yes, we are all frustrated at out of date tutorials. You are not alone there at all. That said, It would be a full time job keeping the tutorials up to date with as fast as the HoloToolkit is changing. The input stuff you are working with is literally brand new within the last two weeks. It's also really, really awesome.

    It sounds like you are halfway there as it is. The remaining part you need to do is create a new script that will be attached to your object, and have it implement the appropriate interface documented in the input module readme. In your particular case, I believe you are looking for IInputClickHandler. That should handle the RaiseSourceClickedEvent().

    If you need further info, please let me know. Also. take a look at the readme under the input folder in the HTK, it's actually very well documented.


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    Answer ✓

    Hi @toddfielder. First, yes, we are all frustrated at out of date tutorials. You are not alone there at all. That said, It would be a full time job keeping the tutorials up to date with as fast as the HoloToolkit is changing. The input stuff you are working with is literally brand new within the last two weeks. It's also really, really awesome.

    It sounds like you are halfway there as it is. The remaining part you need to do is create a new script that will be attached to your object, and have it implement the appropriate interface documented in the input module readme. In your particular case, I believe you are looking for IInputClickHandler. That should handle the RaiseSourceClickedEvent().

    If you need further info, please let me know. Also. take a look at the readme under the input folder in the HTK, it's actually very well documented.

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    Thanks for your quick response...I realize both Unity and Hololens are changing quickly, tough to keep up...I'm new to both just struggling a bit more than I would like...I have used old code on other occasions as well because I just couldn't quite make it work with the new code...Probably a limitation on my part, but I'm definitely a learn by example guy, at least until I'm comfortable...

    Thanks again for your help...keep up the good work

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    edited December 2016

    Unfortuantely, I'm unable to get this working...2 more questions for you if you have time...
    1) Does it matter what object GestureInput.cs is attached to? It seems I can attach it to anything and an OnTappedEvent is fired...
    2) Do I need to use GazeManager.cs for this to work? I wasn't sure how to get that working either, so went with the older WorldCursor.cs code...

    Anyway, I think I'm just going to stick with the legacy code as I understand it and get it to work, but obviously, I'd like to learn this new API, just not quite sure how.



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    edited January 2017

    Air tapping is regcognized by GestureRecognizer. And you have to detect the focusedObject before sending a message.
    The focusedObject should have a script attached with OnSelect() implemented.

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    Hi, is there a C++ API for gestures?

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    Try using the example from TapToPlace.cs
    public virtual void OnInputClicked(InputClickedEventData eventData) { //do stuff when this GO is selected }

    and also include a
    using HoloToolkit.Unity.InputModule; public class MyClass : IInputClickHandler { //class stuff }

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