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Line renderer not positioned correctly


I have a project where I'm using a line renderer to draw a curve between two objects, and it works fine in unity- see attached photo. However when I build and deploy to hololens it's like the line positions haven't updated and the line isn't drawn where it's meant to be.

Any ideas why this would happen?



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    Photo didn't attach, here it is :)

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    Hello, I use LineRenderer in the Hololens and the position is fine. Can you add more informations on the code you are using?

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    @Frimy This is the script that I'm using. At the moment I can change the positions in the inspector in unity so that the line draws in the right position in hololens, but it only draws a straight line now, not a curve like it's meant to.

    public class Bezier : MonoBehaviour

    public Transform[] controlPoints;       //array containing start point for line, end point, and middle point to interpolate around
    public LineRenderer lineRenderer;       //lineRenderer draws the line from a set of points given to it
    private GameObject cube;                 //used as a temporary middle point between hives
    public int hiveFrom;
    public int hiveTo;
    //variables from the original script
    private int curveCount = 0;     
    private int layerOrder = 0;
    private int SEGMENT_COUNT = 100;
    private int[,] hiveDrift;
    private string hivetostring;
    private string hivefromstring;
    void Start()
        cube= GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);   //initialise the gameobject as a cube
        if (!lineRenderer)
            lineRenderer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();    //get the lineRenderer if there isn't one
        lineRenderer.sortingLayerID = layerOrder;
        curveCount = (int)controlPoints.Length / 3;
        var ds = new DataService("BeeData.db");         //new data service object which connects to the BeeData database
         DBScript db = new DBScript();
         hiveDrift = new int[4, 12];
         hiveDrift = db.returnHiveDriftComplete(ds);
        hivetostring = "Hive " + hiveTo;
        hivefromstring = "Hive " + hiveFrom;
            hivetostring = "FeederStation " + (hiveTo - 4);
        if (hiveFrom > 4)
            hivefromstring = "FeederStation " + (hiveFrom - 4);
    void Update()
        //get the x distance between the two hives
        float dist = controlPoints[0].position.x - controlPoints[2].position.x;
        float dist2 = controlPoints[2].position.x - controlPoints[0].position.x;
        float height = 0f;
        //changes the height of the middle point depending on how close the hives are, in a simple way
        if (dist <= dist2)
            height = dist2;
            height = dist;
        if (height <= 5)
            height = 3f;
        else if (height < 10 && height > 5)
            height = 4f;
            height = 5f;
        Vector3 Coord = new Vector3(0f, height, 0f);       // new vector which will be the middle points position
        //works out the middle place between the x and z values
        if (controlPoints[0].position.x < controlPoints[2].position.x)
            Coord.x = ((controlPoints[2].position.x - controlPoints[0].position.x) / 2) + controlPoints[0].position.x;
            Coord.x = ((controlPoints[0].position.x - controlPoints[2].position.x) / 2) + controlPoints[2].position.x;
        if (controlPoints[0].position.z < controlPoints[2].position.z)
            Coord.z = ((controlPoints[2].position.z - controlPoints[0].position.z) / 2) + controlPoints[0].position.z;
            Coord.z = ((controlPoints[0].position.z - controlPoints[2].position.z) / 2) + controlPoints[2].position.z;
        cube.transform.position = Coord;    //sets the position of the middle point
        controlPoints[1] = cube.transform;      //saves the middle point to the controlPoints array
        cube.active = false;            //set the cube to not be active so that it doesnt appear on the screen when app is running
        //If there are bees drifting between the hives, draw the curve
        if (hiveDrift[hiveFrom - 1, hiveTo - 1] != 0)
            int numBees = hiveDrift[hiveFrom - 1, hiveTo - 1];
           if (numBees <= 5)
                lineRenderer.SetWidth(.01f, .01f);
            else if (numBees > 5 && numBees <= 10)
                lineRenderer.SetWidth(.02f, .02f);
            else if (numBees > 10 && numBees <= 20)
                lineRenderer.SetWidth(.045f, .045f);
                lineRenderer.SetWidth(.05f, .05f);
    //Draws the curve, calls CalculateQuadraticBezierPoint to get each new point on the line and draw it
    void DrawCurve()
        for (int j = 0; j < curveCount; j++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= SEGMENT_COUNT; i++)
                float t = i / (float)SEGMENT_COUNT;
                int nodeIndex = j * 3;
                Vector3 pixel = CalculateQuadraticBezierPoint(t, controlPoints[nodeIndex].position, controlPoints[nodeIndex + 1].position, controlPoints[nodeIndex + 2].position);
                lineRenderer.SetVertexCount(((j * SEGMENT_COUNT) + i));
                lineRenderer.SetPosition((j * SEGMENT_COUNT) + (i - 1), pixel);
    //applies a quadratic bezier equation to the three points given and returns the new point
    Vector3 CalculateQuadraticBezierPoint(float t, Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2)
        float u = 1 - t;
        float tt = t * t;
        float uu = u * u;
        float uuu = uu * u;
        float ttt = tt * t;
        Vector3 p = uu * p0;
        p += 2 * u * t * p1;
        p += tt * p2;
        return p;


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