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Create menu for hololens app

Hello. I create for helmet applications. After creating the application in Unity, when you run it in a helmet, the application starts immediately as soon as the panel is loaded. I would like to make menu settings and button "Start Game" (for example). After clicking on the button to download my 3d model. Tell me is there a tutorial somewhere on the development of such a 2d menu.


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    AmerAmerAmerAmer ✭✭✭
    edited January 2017

    Unity ui works pretty well. Depending on how you want it displayed set its coordinate system to camera or screen space. Regular unity ui tutorials are good start. If you are looking to download assets and meshes from a server Unity has something called AssetBundles. You have to create those assets which can then be downloaded and used. Some info on that https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/AssetBundlesIntro.html.
    Otherwise you will probably have to make an assetbundle server to create assets on the fly. Thats a pretty big chunk of work but the unity manual can get you started

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