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Hololens projection matrix

edited January 2017 in Questions And Answers


I'm using remoting, but I assume this is the same when running directly on the Hololens. The projection matrix I'm getting from the API has a slightly strange format.

  1. First of all, it looks to be an off-center projection matrix. Could you explain why this is, isn't it enough for the 3D effect that the two camera view matrices are different?
  2. Furthermore, element 2,1 of the matrix has a value (however small); why is this the case? In No projection matrix samples I've been able to find set this to anything. In my example this is -0.002639. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb205350(v=vs.85).aspx
  3. For the 3D engine I'm using I need to extract the FOV from the matrix; is it correct that this is 33.8 degrees horizontal and 19 degrees vertical?

3.76853, 0, 0, 0
-0.002639 6.6520, 0, 0
0.0423 0.442 1.005 1.0
0, 0, -0.1.005, 0


  • Options
    edited April 2017

    The off-center is OK, the frustum is asymmetric. From rough estimates (pen and paper and screenshot) I see that the FOVs are 45 deg horizontal and 22 vertical. BTW for me m33=-1.005, m34=-1 (so it's a right-handed reference).

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