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Z-axis mouse input

Hi, sorry if this is an ignorant question, but I don't get too much time to peak around in and mess with the Hololens' settings as I don't actually own one. Anyway, I'm currently working on a keyboard/mouse combo input device for the hololens (can work on any device, but designed with hololens in mind). The problem I'm having is I want to have 3-axis control with the mouse (say moving a hologram closer or farther away). The problem is, this isn't typically an input that a computer recognizes. So a couple of questions come from this: is there some way to input this time of information to the hololens? When I connected a regular bluetooth device, I couldn't figure out a way to move things forward/backward. My other questions are followups but they depend on what the answer to the above is.

Thanks for any input!

P.S. I'm using a ATmega32u4 device (Arduino Leonard/Micro) as my input device if that helps at all


  • Options

    The scroll wheel typically moves things forward and backward (such as when using 'adjust' in the shell).

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