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Walk around a unity 3d model?

Hi everyone! We have recently had 2 HoloLens delivered for a workshop this week and we've been working on multiple uses for them in our company...

One example is the display of complex FBX 3d content as a "hologram".

Using this set up:

Windows 10 base machine
- Unity 5.5
- 3d Studio Max
- Visual Studio with latest Windows 10 SDK
HoloLens in Dev mode attached using USB

We have managed to easily put a complex FBX object into Unity and export to HoloLens via VS. There was a lot of happy faces this week :)

The next step for me as a developer is to allow the user to start with the object at waist height and walk around it.

Currently, it is huge and above their heads lol.

Is there a set of basic Unity settings to set this up - positioning and to allow a walkaround? Also how do I set up manipulating the size and position - at the moment it is a dumb object.




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