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HoloLens as a Ground Control Station simulator FPV?

Hello Everyone,
I am a student in Aerospace Engineering and as part of my research thesis course I was tasked with the study of using the HoloLens as a first person view head mounted display for a UAV Ground control station simulator. If you guys are familiar with the simulator/game; War Thunder, which uses Oculus Rift (OR) as the VR device providing an immersive experience, this thesis hopes to replace the OR with MSHoloLens. There is a drawback to using OR for this game. The player/user of the simulator/game cannot see the control station, using MR(HoloLens) this is possible and also access various data. I was wondering if anyone had an idea of how I can interface a PC based simulator to the HoloLens and have head-tracking be able to view the world around? The objective is, a user wearing the HoloLens moves his head as to look "out" or around the "scenario" in the Ground control station simulator, and the motion of the HoloLens is copied by the simulator being displayed on the PC, while also simultaneously the HoloLens showing what the PC is displaying. This particular thesis is part of a grander project implementing a HoloLens based portable Ground control station. Being from a non-programming background it is very hard to get going with the project thus I was hoping someone had an insight on what I can do.

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