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Techniques for anti-aliasing

My holograms have a lot of aliasing happening at the edges. What are some techniques I can apply to get rid of this? I am not doing anything complicated - my holograms are created out of the basic cube primitive in Unity.


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    Also, changing the anti-aliasing setting in Quality settings has an effect in the Unity Game window but no effect in the HoloLens.

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    It won't. It's important to remember that the hololens has a mobile GPU - a tile deferred renderer. The cost of anti aliasing on mobile is quite high for mono rendering and worse for stereo. Id be willing to bet that enabling AA would make achieving the necsssasy for realism 60 FPS next to impossible - so the unity folks likely disabled the feature outright. That or the hololens GPU doesn't support it at all.
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    Perhaps it has been updated since 5.4 to be disabled but when I deployed using 5.4 in the past I was able to see visual improvements with anti-aliasing on (in the quality settings). In fact, we added an audio command to enable/disable anti-aliasing in case we wanted to do any capturing we could turn it on on the fly.

    As far as techniques go that would not drop your framerate... You may need to share a screenshot or more information on just what you are trying to smooth out.


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