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TimeSpan.ToString("%s"); deployment problems

My first Hololens app is nearly finished.
It is a mini game made for an eye catcher on the trade fair booth.
I’m very contented with the result.
Never before I used Unity, never before I implemented in C#.
Learning by doing, learning by exambles.
So the progress was rapidly.
I’m happy.

But I have some little unsolved problems:
Untity don’t accept “TimeSpan.ToString()” with any format string parameter like “%m”.
Always I have to comment out this for built in Unity.
In the MS VS I roll it back and run the app. Works fine.
What I have to do to solve this problem?

Often the first run of the app out of the MS VS fails, mostly deployment failed, sometime other failure. But always the second try runs, only repeat start.
It is independent how the Hololens is connected (WiFi, USB).
Any ideas or hints?

My last issue is an introduction.
I figured, a short movie would be good.
Is there an easy way to show it?
An example code?
You know, I’m a newbie.


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