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Can't Display Developer Video Feed in WPF - Alternative Options to Dev Stream?

I'm currently working on a project (with my senior design team) in which we capture the developer video feed from the HoloLens in a WPF application, capture frames from this video feed, and then send back the annotated images to the HoloLens. The problem we are encountering is that the WPF MediaElement cannot render this video feed regardless of the codecs we configure, even though Windows Media Player is capable of viewing it. We ended up using a WPF control based on FFMPEG available on Code Project here: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/885869/Stream-Player-control

However, this control has an issue with compounding lag and is lacking the information to rebuild the source properly so we cannot updated it. My questions are:

Does anyone know if there is an alternative way to generate a video stream from the HoloLens outside of using the stream available when it's in developer mode?

If not, is there a good way to view the developer video stream in WPF?

Any input would be helpful and if I can provide more information please let me know.



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