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Is it possible to see DirectX calls in the GPU Usage report when using the Hololens emulator?

When I run the GPU Usage report on a Hololens application I see the general data, but not the actual calls. I get the message GPU work cannot be attributed to specific DirectX calls as your GPU does not support feature level 9.3 or greater. When I call D3D11CreateDevice, it reports support for D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1. I've tried this with my code but also with the Holographic Tag Along sample. This works for me with a desktop DirectX app and the DirectX 11 App starter template.

Any help would be appreciated.


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    have you tried running the Graphics Debugger in visual studio? On my current project I wrote up a blog post on using the graphics debugger to sort out missing data.

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    I was running the GPU Usage report in Visual Studio 2015 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt126195.aspx. I thought this was part of the Graphics Debugger but not 100% sure.

    I was trying the GPU Usage report because everything was good with the frames but the texture that I set up initially was not. I was having a hard time capturing that early work with the frame based view. I figured out the problem the old fashioned way with a lot of trial and error but I am still interested if it is possible to get the DirectX calls in the GPU Usage report.

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    I see now that the GPU Usage report is part of the performance analyzer. I have used the Graphics Analyzer to debug Frames and know that it does include the DirectX calls. I am still interested in using the Performance Analyzer. I think it should work. It looks like a bug in the tool.

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