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Export from Unity

I would like to ask two questions related to exporting in Unity.
The first question is: if with my application I modify the structure of a 3D model (for example by changing color or shape), can you then export it from Unity ? (even when the application is running)(in .fbx format if possible).

The second question is: if I simplify a 3dmodel with Simplygon it produces a prefab. Is this prefab possible to export from Unity?(in .fbx)?



  • Options
    1. I am not sure offhand. I would check the asset store to see if someone has built something for this. Otherwise, could you run your script in editor mode and save the fbx file? I know you can save over prefabs.

    2. Simplygon should be able to export to fbx and obj. At least their standard software does (I haven't tried their unity plugin yet). I would think that even the unity plugin would save an fbx or obj somewhere in the project. The prefab is just a text file and does not have 3D data within. So perhaps open that prefab and dig down and find where that model is being saved.


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