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Cached app data. Hololens does not show new app version

Just noticed all updates for my new app for hololens does not deployed there. I am not sure where is a problem: Hololens or Visual Studio.

For example very simple project with teapot:
-The first app version has gold teapot.
-The second app version has blue teapot.

I have been tested in Unity using Webcam and everything is ok, I can see the second version. But when I deploy to hololens I can see only the first version.
I also removed old app from Hololens using App Manager at Device Portal, before to build from Unity the new app I also deleted all App folder and change the app version in Player setting, but it does not help.
Did not helped deployment method change from uploading app from Visual studio to making App bundle package.


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    When you changed the material, did you rebuild in Unity before building in Visual Studio? If not, Visual Studio will have outdated resources and you will not see your change.

    This is one of the most common mistakes I make when building my applications.


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    Thank you @DavidKlineMS,
    Yes, I already deleted all old files in App folder before building new one. It does not help.

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