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How to hide mixed reality hololens application ?

Hello everyone,

How to hide mixed reality when running application. I want to saw only game object(cube).
Is there any kind of additional settings to perform this.



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    stepan_stulovstepan_stulov ✭✭✭
    edited February 2017

    You seem to have a confusion about the terminology.

    Mixed reality is an abstract concept of merging real and virtual worlds in a certain way. It is thus an umbrella term that include hardware, platforms, applications, approaches, know-how, etc. You cannot hide mixed reality because hiding mixed reality is a meaningless sentence.

    I believe what you want is hiding the mesh renderer of the spatial mapping? If so simply remove SpatialMappingRenderer component from the scene.

    Hope this helps.

    Building the future of holographic navigation. We're hiring.

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    Thanks. but how its possible in holoture app. that hide mixed reality when app lunch.


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    I think I know, what you mean:
    Try a white background ( solid Color - RGB 255) as Camera Background (instead of Black)

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    Oh, now I see. I suppose you wish to turn the HoloLens from a mixed reality goggle to a virtual reality goggle and disable the see-through feature? I'm afraid that is not possible with sufficient quality. First of all because HoloLen's lens is see-through. Even if you add a skybox/white background you still have additive nature of light and will be able to see the environment. Secondly the fov is very limited, so you will have a white rectangle on top of still visible environment.

    It seems like what you want is VR goggle?

    Alternatively you can always spray paint your HoloLens :D

    Building the future of holographic navigation. We're hiring.

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