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Why do my models drift with the user's gaze while HoloAcademy models automatically lock to a point?

Whenever I drop a model of mine into the scene, it always drifts in the Hololens so that it follows the user's location rather than staying where it spawned. However, when I use a model provided by the Hololens Academy, it automatically stays even when I haven't added spatial mapping or cursor controls yet.

My model has a box collider, the transform is within the collider, and I have tested enveloping it within a GameObject.



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    Hmm, I see two possible reasons for that:

    1. You have made your gameobject a child of the camera
    2. There is a Tagalong script on your gameobject
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    It's not either.
    It looks like Unity defaults to attached frame of reference for apps, and I don't know how to change it to static frame of reference.

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    Update: Made a new project and copied everything into it. Suddenly the app is using Static Frame of Reference again.

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    This is certainly not what is to be expected. It sounds you maybe somehow accidentally added your holograms as a child of the camera. Or, the GameObject where your holograms were getting added somehow got reparented as a child of the camera. Either way, glad it's solved.

    Our Holographic world is here

    RoadToHolo.com      WikiHolo.net      @jbienz
    I work in Developer Experiences at Microsoft. My posts are based on my own experience and don't represent Microsoft or HoloLens.

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