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How to install app to hololens

I have complete the Origami tutorial and it worked in the emulator. How can I install the App to the hololens device?


  • Options

    Enable Developer Mode on your HoloLens

    Then either

    Both involve pairing with the device

    Alternatively for scenarios where it is necessary or appropriate you can build a UWP app package and sideload it over the Device Portal in the Install App section which would also require establishing the Device Portal connection with your HoloLens which also has a bunch of other advantages as well.

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

    WinHUGR.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @WinHUGR
    WinHUGR YouTube Channel -- live streamed meetings

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    I need to connect PC and Hololens every time I want to run my developed app?

    Or only need upload app to Hololens one time, and once it is installed I can run the app directly from Hololens without using Virtual Studio?

    Thanks a lot!

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    @jrp : you don't need a connection to your PC (or network) when running your app (after it's uploaded) - and yes: you don't need VisualStudio for running yor app (only for developing and - if you wont - uploading to the device)...

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