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Issues with Hololens 101 Cursor Tutorial

I am going through the tutorials and created the Origami scene fine and it deployed to Hololens emulator perfectly.
Next I tried to add the Cursor and script. When viewing in the emulator I can see the Origami scene (I can't see any cursor), but when I attempt to move the scene to the centre of the view so I can see the cursor it seems to suddenly 'zoom in' to the scene and then I can't see anything apart from black. Not sure what I'm doing wrong as I've literally only added the Cursor and attached the provided C# script to it. Any help appreciated.

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    I retried the whole process about 4 times. And suddenly it worked. I have no idea what I did differently but must have been something, so all seems fine now.


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    Answer ✓

    I retried the whole process about 4 times. And suddenly it worked. I have no idea what I did differently but must have been something, so all seems fine now.

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    I was able to get the cursor to work on the provided stage and spheres but I imported another object into Unity (a "bed-bett" model from Sketchup) the cursor script didn't register its presence. I tried adding a mesh to my bed-bett object but that didn't solve the problem. Is there any info on how one can make/configure objects so that they will work as well and look as good as origami objects provided for the tutorial?

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    An interesting article on cursors, thanks. I'd still welcome some advice on how to make/configure objects though. I haven't figured out yet you to reproduce the edge quality of the fan and the paper airplanes in the tutorial nor make my own imported objects interact with the gaze ray trace.

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    Once you get the cursors wired up and working, you need to get into the input bits of the toolkit. I have more posts about that, you can start here. Basically setup the cursors like usual (make sure you have an EventSystem in the scene), add a script to the object you want to interact with, and implement IInputClickHandler (you have lots of other interfaces to work with, my post links to details).

    Regarding the quality of the models in the tutorials, those are just nice models that took some folks a good bit of time to create. Not sure that MS made them or got them from somewhere, but the origami tutorial probably took a really good artist/modeler at least a few days to make everything in that tutorial. Modeling and design are really fun if you want to get into that side of things too.

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    Thanks for all the replies and help.

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