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Make a menu like the "Start Menu"

UI design for the Hololens is interesting. For my app I want a menu that behaves similarly to the main Hololens menu. I've used Tagalong and Billboarding and it's working fine but I want to refine it more to make it function like the main menu. It would be really helpful to know the tagalong settings for the main menu. Also, there's a spotlight attached to the menu, right?My menu goes behind the spatial mapping mesh frequently, how do I keep it from doing that so it behaves more like the main menu?


  • Options

    UI Design for Hololens is a great area because everything is completely new, so we get to experiment with this stuff!

    1. You don't need to know the exact settings, just play around with the options until you get something that you like.
    2. You need to manually (ie in the script) tell the menu not to go behind the mesh. You probably need to add a simple collision detection and bring the menu closer to your view when it's about to hit a mesh.
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