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What approach for solving a least squares system in a HoloLens Unity C# project?

Hi there,

I would like to find a least squares solution (a 3D point) to an intersection problem of arbitrary many lines. The math is easy, it is also easily written in Matlab. But Unity has no advanced linear algebra features, and I am struggling with finding tutorials on how to import UWP/C# libraries for linear algebra into the Unity project. Has someone experience with this? Does is it really boil down to writing own C# code for a LSE solver?



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    I struggle with the same problem:
    The documentation and guidance give zero guidance on app/project architecture.

    I am trying to reference a class library and your problem could be solved in a similar way, by moving computations into a separate class library that depends on linalg packages from NuGet.

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    Very true. I find myself in a dilemma, since I'm now actually implementing numerical code in Unity C# scripts. As there are literally no guiding documents on how to procede from a beginners's point of view, this is the less time consuming solution since fast execution doesn't matter for this kind of 'demo project'. Somehow I guess, I have to compile own C++ libs to find out how it works, but nevertheless I am working on a 'get sh*t done'-kind of scientific project and without sufficient UWP/.Net knowledge at hand, I don't even have the ability to decide or assess which libraries are incorporable and which are not. Porting this project to Holograohic C++/D3D is not an option, since this would take me alone 3 months of hacking or 3 months of reading up and going the bottom up approach. Most confusing is the mix of Unity's Mono, HoloLens's 4.5 .Net subset etc. It would be really awesome to the scientific community to know, which is the path of least resistance, at least at this point of time, to do numerical computations in a C#/Unity setting. We are well aware of limitations the SoC has, maybe some really custom software or peripherie hardware driver have etc... But a cool numerical library that deploys well with Unity created projects would really drive the scientific community :)
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