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Instantiate problem after spatial understanding example

I have seen spatial understanding example, I want to use it for my app.
I want that scannig procees will be included and after the scan is compleated, i want that my prefab will be instantiated on the nearest chair if any chair will be founded.

I have seen a lot of code and tutorials and I can't find the method which returns me a simple Vector3 for my instantiate function (prefab, THIS LOCATION ,Quaternion.identity) or a list of objects found in scanning process like in the spatial understanding example and get Vector3 of for example first founded chair.

Please help, I spent a lot of time in this problem. :(


  • Options

    From here.

    @Dwight_Goins_EE_MVP said:
    For HLens to recognize a specific device - you can use computer vision techniques to recognize shapes and rudimentary objects like tables, chairs, balls, and most likely fans etc. However to recognize more specific things light tube lights compared to some other light will require custom Machine Learning algorithms that you and your team must figure out.

    You can use Open CV with C# to handle the object recognition.

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