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Monoscopic rendering in Unity for better-aligned mixed reality capture possible?

When capturing mixed-reality videos, I noticed that the holograms look very misaligned to the real world objects on the video, probably because it shows only the view from one eye, which is quite a bit offset from the camera position. Is it possible to tell Unity to render monoscopically, that is, no stereoscopic separation, so the video will show a better alignment, because it renders from the middle of the eyes, which is closer to the physical camera position? The user carrying the HoloLens will not see stereoscopically then of course, but the purpose of this is get the recorded video. I have tried setting "stereo separation" of the camera in LateUpdate to 0 but that didn't have any effect.


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    I'm not sure if that's exactly what you need but when the build is set for WSA/HoloLens there is "Target Eye" property on the scene's camera in the inspector. You can select Both, Left, Right and None (Main Display).

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    Thanks, I already tried that, but unfortunately it doesn't do what I need. "Both" is the default, "None" doesn't show a picture, and Left/Right would render the camera from an eye's perspective, not the center perspective.

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    Has this been resolved for you? I have a similar question, although in my case it's not absolutely necessary to have a center perspective. A double-left or -right might serve as well.

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