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Is there any NDA or limits on what we can post / discuss?

I've received my dev kit and have started playing around with it. Obviously I have friends that want to try it and record it and talk about it. Are their any NDA's or limits on what I am able to post, discuss, etc? Or am I free to talk about it freely?

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    Gotcha, since those things do not appear to include anything about talking / posting / share information about the hololens or it's software, then it sounds like I am good to let me try it and talk about it. Thanks!

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    Can we have some plain English answers to these questions:

    For context, I applied for, purchased, and received a HoloLens Development Edition. I intend to develop apps for HoloLens.

    Can I allow my friend to develop and test apps using my device even though he has not separately applied for the HoloLens Development Edition?

    Can I post videos and commentary of my HoloLens software to YouTube?

    Can I post videos and commentary of the current Microsoft-published HoloLens apps to YouTube? For example, could I post a video of Young Conker?

    I've actually already seen some such videos on YouTube, but it's not clear to me if we're allowed to. Vanessa, you didn't really answer the question.

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    So why did I answer this, because I worked in a subsidiary, for a very large $3.1 billion US computer corporation, for many years, who drummed it into its employees.

    I never worked for Microsoft and they are not responsible for interpreting the Terms and Conditions you are :D. Microsoft are not responsible for any opinions expressed here.

    So here it is according to Copyright law of England and Wales, similar to that given by the United States Supreme Court, last reference to casework updated 1999.

    Permission to use Documents (such as white papers, press releases, datasheets and FAQs) from the Microsoft HoloLens Store and Services is granted, provided that

    (1) the following copyright notice: "© 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved." appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear,

    (2) use of such Documents from the Microsoft HoloLens Store or Services is for informational and non-commercial or PERSONAL use only and will not be copied or posted on any network computer or broadcast in any media, unless permitted by exemptions under applicable copyright laws.

    This means if you are unsure Consult a US Copyright Lawyer!!!, or if your are one don't try and be smart!!.

    Q. "So can I modify Young Conker video and post/publish it".
    A. No. because "no modifications of any Documents are made" means "video as well", and all electronic forms.

    Q: "Can I post video of my own personal experiences"
    A: Yes, You are responsible and accountable for what you post!. Just make sure for your sake its NOT a "fake", patched video, which someone could later rely upon!!!

    Q: "Can I make money out of HoloLens?".
    A: How? We are listening!

    Q: Can I "sell" HoloLens hardware.
    A: No, and Ebay wont take it! (We have been there!) Its yours are only yours. Further you must comply with US Export Compliance and not permanent ship this device outside the United States.

    (3) no modifications of any Documents are made. Accredited educational institutions, such as primary and secondary institutions, universities, private/public colleges, and community colleges, may download and reproduce the Documents for distribution in the classroom.

    That means you can teach HoloLens , but not on a commercial basis

    Microsoft may use your posted ideas, without payment.
    The information held within the servers can be subject to deletion or modification and use in published papers using your name.

    If there ever were (NDA, Non Disclosure Agreements to publications) they would probably have expired on the public announcement of HoloLens

    If you work for an employer, no matter the size, check with them that there is no conflict of interest and that you don't publish their intellectual property!!.

    Someone was bound to ask this and I wanted to give the layman's view.
    The saying in the US was, "Buy a lawyer", In UK, we say "Why so they can tell us what we know!" :D:p

    Do thoughtful research think of questions, search for answers in this conference, and don't be afraid to answer questions.

    Make use of "free" software, if you see something you feel is wrong or broken start a new thread, lets discuss it.

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    Thanks, yes, I know what you mean. I worked for Microsoft in the past and there were also times in email discussions where someone would eventually trot out the big "this is why we have lawyers" type email and stuff and while everyone would understand what they meant and why they posted it, it wouldn't answer any questions. It would only shut down conversations.

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