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Can't deploy from VS

Hello! When I try to build and deploy origami the build works correctly, but it refuses to deploy to my device or the emulator.
I get a The project Origami needs to be deployed before it can be started.
So then I try to deploy via the build menu as told to and I get

Error DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Connecting to the device 'F957827B-6FC8-4538-A5BA-3B3807152A56'.':
MissingMethodException - Method not found: 'Boolean Microsoft.Tools.Connectivity.RemoteDevice.Ping()'. Origami
With the emulator and

"1>DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Connecting to the device ''.':
1>MissingMethodException - Method not found: 'Boolean Microsoft.Tools.Connectivity.RemoteDevice.Ping()'.":smile:
With the device. The I.P. is correct btw.
Any thoughts?

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    I also have a problem deploying to the HoloLens. Could you please be more explicit about what you did. What SDK's did you remove? How? Where did you get the 10586 SDK version? And anything else you did. Thanks!!!

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    I'm in the same situation. I'm following the instructions exactly but can't deploy to the device. VS never asks for my hololens PIN when I push to the device through USB, then I get 4 errors. When I try through WiFi, I just get the 4 errors.

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    @mvasher... See my 5/15 - 4:48 - post in "APPs will not deploy to HoloLens". I finally got the (timely) pairing (and deploying) to work after doing a lot of things including re-re-re installing VS and W 10 SDK and using DEBUG rather than START WITHOUT DEBUGGING.

    Also, to make sure the problem is with VS and W10 SDK software, not the HoloLens itself you might check that you can connect and communicate with the HoloLens (independent of Visual Studio):

    1- Connect to the HoloLens as described in

    You should get to the App Manager either with the USB or the IP address.

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    @qporit Thanks for the ideas. Have been able to use the Device portal to the Hololens when attached via USB. That's works fine.

    I've tried reinstalling VS but no go. I'm not sure I understand about W10 SDK. I thought that was just part of installing VS update 2.

    When I switch to Release and set it to device in VS, it never asks me for a PIN. I have the PIN number from the Hololens but it never has asked me in VS what the PIN is.

    Instead it just tries to build but fails.

    Can you or anyone else see what I'm doing wrong? I feel like I've followed all the instructions step by step. I'm very experienced with Unity and it's a shame that the Hololens build instructions are so convoluted. I've spent hours trying to fix this.

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    Only hours? I've been working on this for days.

    1- One way to make it simpler is to use VS and use the HoloLens template to create the App that you will deploy to the HoloLens. Then there is no Unity issue. (I don't think the failure to deploy is a Unity issue.) If you do not have the HoloLens template, then you probably do not have the right version/update for VS.

    2- The first time it asked me for the pin was when I used DEBUG instead of START WITHOUT DEBUG. (I don't know if that was just a coincidence.)

    3- Some errors and problems went away the second time I did the exact same thing, or at most made a tiny tweak.

    4- I completely uninstalled everything from the windows SDK and VS and then hoped I was reinstalling the latest/best version of everything. Possibly old versions of some component of VS or the Windows SDK may be a cause of trouble as Tacroy suggested above.

    5- The Windows SDK is downloaded I think with Windows 10, but it still shows up separately in the program (uninstall) list, and it seems it can be uninstalled and then re-installed standalone. (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/downloads/windows-10-sdk)

    According to my list I now have Windows SDK 10.0.10586.212 and Windows SDK 10.0.26624 (which I think is an update). I also have Visual Studio Community 2015 with Update 2.

    Please note that my own development system is not yet stable, and this is just a "Progress" report based on my tests and experiments, not to be taken as a "correct" (and certainly not as an "official") answer, and only to be used at your own "risk".

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    @qporit Thanks for the info, this is great. This is the first I've heard of using the "Hololens Template" - where do I get that?
    -Still haven't ever been asked for a PIN from the device. I've tried just Debug but nothing.
    I've uninstalled and upgraded and repaired VS update 2. I currently using Windows SDK 10.0.10586.212. Unity

    After looking more into the traceback on the errors I'm getting this:
    System.Exception: Assembly Projects\Holotest\App\Unprocessed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll does not exist!
    at usw.Program.CheckAssemblyPath(String assemblyPaths)

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    Alright, I've gotten past a couple of the errors. I changed a couple of items.

    1) Make sure there are no spaces in your build path. (It doesn't like "Unity Projects" changed to "UnityProjects" and dropped an error.

    2) I think we are using an even more update SDK. Thus in Package.appxmanifest change MaxVersionTested="10.0.10586.212"

    It now will build in VS. I'm still having some kind of deployment error on both USB (which now is connected via PIN) and WiFi.

    Hope this helps people having errors.

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    So a few things. In order for it to work for me I had to 1. Move my dev folder to c: 2. Remove BOTH sdk's and ONLY install the 10586 version. NOT the 10.0.26624.

    Even with that, it still fails about 50% of the time. I resolve it by... trying again. Some times I have to hit the button 5 times before it actually works.

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    @mavasher said:
    @qporit Thanks for the info, this is great. This is the first I've heard of using the "Hololens Template" - where do I get that?

    1- Start VS [Help/About shows 14.0.25123.00 update 2 (NET 4.6.01038)]
    2- Select New Project
    3 - In the left hand pane select
    Templates => C# =>Windows=>Universal=>Holographic

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    @tacroy said:

    Even with that, it still fails about 50% of the time. I resolve it by... trying again. Some times I have to hit the button 5 times before it actually works.

    Wow, that's terrible. So, I have things working pretty stable now. It's now building without issue. It still has connection issues. Sometimes USB works- sometime not. Sometimes WiFi works, sometimes not.

    The two issues I talked about seem to be the problem. They were the only issues I fixed on the origami project which previously wasn't working. And now deploys fine.
    1)Make sure there are no spaces in the Path name to the working folder.
    2)Make sure both Min and Max version are set to 10.0.10586.212 not 10.0.10586.0

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    I was having a similar problem where it would build in VS but failed to deploy 100% of the time.

    I had paired the devices prior to opening VS, and VS wouldn't ask for a pin. It wouldn't deploy.

    I re-installed windows, didn't pair the devices, VS asked for the pin, after entering it I don't have any problems anymore. I have both dev kits installed: 10.0.26624 and 10.0.10586.212 and the Unity beta 16 and it's working after pairing THROUGH VS.

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