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【Hololens】 The position of the object is far

In the project created by Unity, when you check with Hololens, the object appears to be far away. Even if you bring the camera and object closer together in Unity, you will see it as if it is far away when you check with Hololens.

Would like to know how to display objects nearby.

Best regards.



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    Jarrod1937Jarrod1937 ✭✭✭

    In Unity each unit is equal to 1 meter (3.28084 feet). That's the first thing to keep in mind, the next is your IPD setting. If your IPD is set incorrectly, you'll perceive distances incorrectly.
    Lastly, you should clarify what you mean by "far," is that 1 meter, 100 meters?

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    Thank you for your reply.
    The distance to the object confirmed by Hololens is about 5 meters.
    In the settings within unity, the distance to the object is 1 meter.

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    Just to confirm, is your camera placed at the origin in the scene? Also, is it possible that something in the object's parent hierarchy is either effecting the scale or placement of the object beyond its local transform?

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