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Set up cloud server for SharingService of HoloLens


I followed the tutorial of HoleLens-240 and successfully used my local computer as server for shared experience between HoloLens. Right now I established a windows server on the Google Cloud and I wish I could hold the Sharing Service on the cloud server.

Here is what I did on the windows server:
1. cloned the whole 240 course project folder to the windows server.
2. navigated to Assets/HoloToolkit-Sharing-240/Sharing
3. ran command ''./SharingService.exe -local'' using gitbash

The terminal shows up the same message as it would when I establish the SharedService.exe on my local computer. However, when I opened the app on HoloLens, it never connected to the SharingService on the cloud server.

Here is what I tried:
1. Change server address in the unity editor to the Local IP address showed up on the terminal after launching SharingService.exe on the server.
2. open up the port 20601. 20602 in the windows firewall setting. (and if I do netstat -n -a, I can see those two ports shows up)
3. Set up Externel IP on the Server and use "route add -p [Externel IP] [Local IP address]" to set the local ip address as gateway, and then change server address in the unity editor to Externel IP and tried again.

But none of them worked, it looks like HoloLens never joined the Sharing Service session on the cloud server.

I am new to HoloLens and network stuff, so probably the question is stupid. But can someone give help about how to set this up, so that I can have the SharingService keep running on the server and have HoloLens connect to it?

Deeply appreciate your help!

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