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Virtual Reality SDKs in Unity

I've just installed Unity 5.6.2f1 and I have been following the Holograms100 tutorial. Ch.3 talks about enabling Virtual Reality support on Unity targeting the Windows 10 SDK.

Select Edit > Project Settings > Player
In the Inspector panel click on the Windows Store tab
Expand the Other Settings group.
In the Rendering section, check the Virtual Reality Supported checkbox to add a new Virtual Reality SDKs list and confirm "Windows Mixed Reality" is listed as a supported SDK.

However, there is no "Windows Mixed Reality" only "Windows Holographic". I don't think this is the same thing as when I go Build in Visual Studio, I get an error stating it can't connect to the Windows Phone, nothing about my Hololens. Was there something in the Unity install I was supposed to check besides the Windows add-ons? I can't even get started with this thing. Please help. I am so lost.

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