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Unity HoloLens improving Lensflare perfomance

I'm currently developing a simple visulization scene. Inside this scene I have a UV-type light which shall have a UV-blueish halo and an overbrighten center spot (in the middle of the light). This "light" does not actually need to light anything it shall operate as an overlay effect. I found an unity lensflare object to be quiet what I expected however once I run this on the HoloLens I get a 50% frame-rate drop. (from 60fps to 30fps). I tried reducing the resolution of the base image and so on, but I did not succeed in improving the lensflare perfomance.

Does anyone have suggestions on how I can get the lens flare to render in a better speed? Is there maybe a better perfoming alternative that I can use instead of the standard unity lens flare? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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