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Very long SyncStrings are truncated when sent over sharing service

I am attempting to transmit image data (e.g. a photo taken at runtime) from one device to another using the sharing service. My current approach is to take the Texture2D, encode it into a JPG byte array, then base64-encode it and set it up as a SyncString as part of a SyncObject model.

However, it appears that very large SyncStrings are not being completely transmitted to other clients. For example, after encoding one particular image in this way, I get a string of size 1057988 characters, but when the other device receives the updated SyncString, it contains only the first 9412 characters. (When loading the data into a Texture2D I see the first couple pixel-rows of the image, a sign of truncated JPG data).

Is there anything I can do to allow for larger sizes of this kind of data when using the sharing service? For specific implementation reasons I would prefer not to have to upload the images to an external site and transmit just a URL via the sharing service.

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