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UWP package size is ~5 times bigger than Unity3d Build size

I've created an app in Unity3D for Microsoft Hololens. After building the app in unity I checked the unity editor logs for app size -

Textures      5.6 kb     0.0% 
Meshes        5.1 mb     44.6% 
Animations    33.6 kb    0.3% 
Sounds        3.4 mb     29.6% 
Shaders       1.1 mb     9.4% 
Other Assets  1018.9 kb  8.7% 
Levels        110.6 kb   0.9% 
Scripts       601.4 kb   5.1% 
Included DLLs 124.0 kb   1.1% 
File headers  23.9 kb    0.2% 
Complete size 11.4 mb    100.0% 

Then I opened the resulted package in Visual Studio and followed the build process to build App for Windows Store. After build process succeeded I checked the size of app package -

For x86, x64 and ARM architectures -

Appname_1.1.2.0_x86_x64_arm_bundle_Master.appxupload    151 Mb

I want to know why there is such a big difference between the Unity3D build size(11.4 mb) and Windows app build package(151 mb) ?? Am I missing something? How can I remove this difference or minimize it??

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