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Use SpatialInteractionManager to detect spatial interaction in HoloLens DirectX template

I have a question about using SpatialInteractionManager to detect spatial interaction.
The following codes come from HoloLens DirectX template.
Method OnSourcePressed() is used to to indicate that a Pressed input event was received and method CheckForInput() is used by the main thread to check asynchronous changes to the user input state.
I think these two methods are running in two different threads, but why there is no any synchronization between the access of variable m_sourceState?



// Checks if the user performed an input gesture since the last call to this method.
// Allows the main update loop to check for asynchronous changes to the user
// input state.
SpatialInteractionSourceState^ SpatialInputHandler::CheckForInput()
SpatialInteractionSourceState^ sourceState = m_sourceState;
m_sourceState = nullptr;
return sourceState;

void SpatialInputHandler::OnSourcePressed(SpatialInteractionManager^ sender, SpatialInteractionSourceEventArgs^ args)
m_sourceState = args->State;

// TODO: In your app or game engine, rewrite this method to queue
//       input events in your input class or event handler.


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