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Holo Toolkit Tap to Place Issue

I'm using the TapToPlace form the HoloToolkit in order to move the hologram (duh). But on runtime, i cant seem to get any response from the script, only from another script that i created that uses the IInputClicker interface.

On a blank scene, the TapToPlace does not still seem to respond and the AnchorManager projects the hologram on a point far away from the origin, in the range of the +/- 40's.



  • Options

    How are you starting the TapToPlace? You may need to have IsBeingPlaced set to true on your gameobject so that it automatically starts. Otherwise it doesn't start until you tap the object once. And the object will need a collider on it to register the tap to start if you are trying to start it via a tap.


  • Options

    I have a collider on my object. But even the example project is giving me an issue where the tap doesn't register.

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