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Video camera capabilities?

Is it possible to create both 2D and 3D videos with holograms through the HoloLens? Can the frame rate and resolution and other properties of the video be adjusted?


  • Options

    The video quality can be adjusted - don't recall seeing FPS options but it might . You can definitely make 2D videos with holograms, but don't believe you could make visible light 3D videos given there's just one web camera and 4 depth cameras. HoloLens consumer ed. guess we'll see, might help support a robust MSRP.

  • Options

    I've made a video with a hologram[*] through the HoloLens. Terrific as far as it goes. But for applications I'm interested in, and to provide content for all VR AR MR possibilities, I'd really like a 3D setup capable of producing "VR Videos", 3D panoramas, (inside looking out) with the HoloLens[ and a consumer setup that would make video holograms (outside looking in) [**].

    [*] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFCh6wNdrR8
    [**] The Samsung smart phone can do hologrammic photos - they call it a virtual shot. For me, ideal would be a consumer setup (multicameras, not a HoloLens) that can do hologrammic videos, such as the one below.

    Holoportation: http://qporit.blogspot.com/2016/03/full-body-remote-communication.html

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