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Cannot cast a raycast on new Object


I have just finished learning basic HoloLens using emulator from 101E. Now, I want to learn more by adding more object and event/script. I have just downloaded Unity-Chan, a 3D model from unity, and I added into the scene.

But, when I ran the build, I cannot put my created cursor from tutorial on it. I can see the model, but I cannot put my cursor over the Model. What should I do ?



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    stepan_stulovstepan_stulov ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    But, when I ran the build, I cannot put my created cursor from tutorial on it. I can see the model, but I cannot put my cursor over the Model. What should I do ?

    Hey, @adityosn

    Raycasting "speaks" the language of physics and trigonometry: rays, colliders, rigid bodies, etc. It doesn't care about any visuals of the scene. You can have a game object with a collider but with no renderers so that the cursor will stick to seemingly empty space. Or you can have a game object with a renderer but no colliders, so you see it but it's invisible for raycasting. The latter is the most likely case of your problem. It just so happens that when creating a primitive or importing a 3D model Unity adds colliders by default which often leads people to be unaware of difference between visual and physics representations of a game object.

    Building the future of holographic navigation. We're hiring.


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    stepan_stulovstepan_stulov ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    But, when I ran the build, I cannot put my created cursor from tutorial on it. I can see the model, but I cannot put my cursor over the Model. What should I do ?

    Hey, @adityosn

    Raycasting "speaks" the language of physics and trigonometry: rays, colliders, rigid bodies, etc. It doesn't care about any visuals of the scene. You can have a game object with a collider but with no renderers so that the cursor will stick to seemingly empty space. Or you can have a game object with a renderer but no colliders, so you see it but it's invisible for raycasting. The latter is the most likely case of your problem. It just so happens that when creating a primitive or importing a 3D model Unity adds colliders by default which often leads people to be unaware of difference between visual and physics representations of a game object.

    Building the future of holographic navigation. We're hiring.

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    Hii @stepan_stulov,

    Thaaaaanks a lot for your information !! Yeaaaah, I check again my imported model and no colliders. I have added collider on all meshs, and it works !!

    Thanks a lot on remind me about basic of physics on Unity. You are awesome !

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