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In-Memory DataTable on Hololens

Hi everyone,

I am building a data-visualisation app for the hololens and need a way to store data in a flat table within the app. Preferably, I would need group-by capabilities on said table. I was planning on using a .net Datatable (from the System.Data namespace) however this seems to not be supported on the Hololens, as it is restricted by the .net core framework which does not include the DataTable type.

Resulting from this complication I have two questions:

  1. Does anyone have experience with in-memory datatables on the Hololens? Are there any alternatives to DataTable or other data structures you recommend?

  2. Does anyone have experience using third party .net libraries in the c#/unity development environment? If yes, what is the most straight forward way to add a library to the project? I was looking at deedle which might be able to get the job done for me

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