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Networking with Hololens

edited May 2016 in Questions And Answers

Are there any more tutorials planned for networking for the Hololens? Ive been through 240 and now Im trying to work on my own use cases but running into some snags.

1 mainly being that I am on a protected Wifi network that requires sign ins pretty regularly. Every time my computer reconnects... poof, new IP address and now I have to recompile and reload the programs onto each Hololens. Is there a way to program the hololenses to look for a server in a certain domain? Also, is there a way to make a hololens a server so a computer isnt necessary? Im new to network behavior so any advice would be appreciated.

Im also trying to sync animation. Will the normal Unity server architecture work for Hololens? Can I spawn on a server and control items that way? Right now Ive got animation playing on both of my devices and I restart when a new client joins, this works fine for my needs if they were more in sync but they seem to be a few frames out from each other. I really need to completely sync them.

Any advice?

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