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How to hide the holograms both in HOLOLENS and in Mixed Reality Capture

edited September 2017 in Questions And Answers

i want to hide some holograms and they also can block other holograms in HOLOLENS.
so i set black color for holograms , and they can be hide in the scene of HOLOLENS and also can bolck other holograms. But,when i use Mixed Reality Capture to see the holograms ,they show the black color and not be hide in the scene. How to hide the balck holograms in Mixed Reality Capture?
i try to set the rendering mode to Cutout and set the color.a=0f for them ,so they can be hide both in HOLOLENS and Mixed Reality Capture but they can not block other holograms in HOLOLENS. how can i do?


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    Hey, @shenwooash.

    Usually selective hiding is the bigger task. To hide a hologram both in Mixed Reality Capture and for the user simply disable the hologram (disable all its renderer components) or delete it (destroy the game object).

    Hope this helps.

    Building the future of holographic navigation. We're hiring.

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    Thank you for your answer. I tried to using the HoloToolkit/WindowOcclusion shader,and it exactly matched what i need. Thank you very mach.

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    @stepan_stulov ,
    thank you for your answer.if i delete it ,it can not bolck other holograms. and i tried to using the HoloToolkit/WindowOcclusion shader,it can exactly matched what i need.

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