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How to get the current TimeStamp without using HolographicFramePrediction class

I know that we can get the current TimeStamp by HolographicFramePrediction class, like
prediction->Timestamp. Is there a way to get the TimeStamp without prediction class?

I'm trying to modify the Holographic DirectX template project to switch the App's FreamOfReference from "SpatialStationaryFrameOfReference" to "SpatialLocatorAttachedFrameOfReference". Everything is working as expected except the gesture handling, when uses makes an air tap, we want to reposition the cube right in from of user's eye.

What frustrates me is that we need to get the current TimeStamp to get the current coordinate system, see the code below, I use "?????" to indcate the TimeStamp I need to pass in the function GetStationaryCoordinateSystemAtTimestamp(), but do not know how to get the current TimeStamp.

void DXAppMain::OnSourcePressed(SpatialInteractionManager^ sender, SpatialInteractionSourceEventArgs^ args)
SpatialInteractionSourceState^ pointerState = args->State;
if (pointerState != nullptr)// Pressed gesture is detected, reposition hologram
SpatialCoordinateSystem^ curCoordinateSystem = m_referenceFrame->GetStationaryCoordinateSystemAtTimestamp(?????);

Any suggestions?


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    Is args->State->Timestamp what you are looking for?

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    (Daddy, what does 'now formatting drive C:' mean?)

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    Thanks, it looks like a solution, I'll give it a try later.

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