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Voice to show/hide cursor?

I'm using the HL with a model built in layers, like an onion. I was able to borrow the cursor from Origami tutorial along with associated scripts to move the model and show/hide each of five layers, using voice commands. But the same script doesn't show / hide the cursor. The cursor is in root of hierarchy in Unity 5 as in the Origami setup. Can anyone suggest what needs to change to show/hide the cursor?

The same script works for layers, but not for the cursor:

Code is:

keywords.Add("Show cursor", () =>

    keywords.Add("Hide cursor", () =>

To show/hide I'm using:

public void OnShowCursor()
rend = GetComponent();
rend.enabled = true;

public void OnHideCursor()
    rend = GetComponent<Renderer>();
    rend.enabled = false;

Carol LaFayette
Harold L. Adams Interdisciplinary Professor, Department of Visualization
Director, Institute for Applied Creativity
SEAD network
Texas A&M University

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