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The Mixed Reality Forums here are no longer being used or maintained.

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The first way we want to connect with you is our mixed reality developer program, which you can sign up for at https://aka.ms/IWantMR.

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What is the most efficient way of straightening out an invitation email issue.

I checked the status page and it indicates I was sent a Hololens invitation email on May 25th, but I have not received it. I changed my profile email earlier, I thought, but evidently that did not save properly, or it did not transfer to the Hololens department. I also submitted a web form to the suggested Holoens link asking that my email address be changed for delivery of the Holoens invitation; and evidently that did not work either.

Suggestions on the most efficient way to handle this would be appreciated. With the holiday weekend, I'm becoming concerned I'm going to miss the 10-day order period.

Thanks for your help.
--Mike McAllister

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