Hello everyone.

The Mixed Reality Forums here are no longer being used or maintained.

There are a few other places we would like to direct you to for support, both from Microsoft and from the community.

The first way we want to connect with you is our mixed reality developer program, which you can sign up for at https://aka.ms/IWantMR.

For technical questions, please use Stack Overflow, and tag your questions using either hololens or windows-mixed-reality.

If you want to join in discussions, please do so in the HoloDevelopers Slack, which you can join by going to https://aka.ms/holodevelopers, or in our Microsoft Tech Communities forums at https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/mixed-reality/ct-p/MicrosoftMixedReality.

And always feel free to hit us up on Twitter @MxdRealityDev.

Hologram Filters for Mixed Reality Capture

Q: Is there any way aside from rendering your own Mixed Reality capture from raw video feed on the HoloLens to hide some holograms from mixed reality capture, while still allowing them to be visible to the HoloLens wearer?

Suggestion if there will be support for this soon: Make this as simple as adding a Tag to a GameObject in Unity: e.g. MRC_INVISIBLE ...will add a request in the Hololens Toolkit for Unity if there's an API to actually do this today.

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