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The Mixed Reality Forums here are no longer being used or maintained.

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How much moisture can the HoloLens tolerate?

We're considering using the HL in a climate that gets some fog. Not so much you can't see of course, but damp (think London on a cool gray day). Any problems with this?


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    HoloLens is intended for indoor use, and its sensors are best adapted for that environment. However, I do know of people who have taken their HoloLens outside and had it work successfully. This usually works best when the weather is a bit overcast (but not raining), as the sun is the greatest source of interference for the IR sensor.

    There are two main problems that you might encounter with fog: 1) Fog might interfere with tracking and how holograms appear. 2) HoloLens is not water proof, so there is the potential that water could get trapped between the lenses and fog up the device.

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