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Hololens app not builing since switching to VS2017 on Win10 Anniversary update

Hello, has anyone seen or gotten the below errors once switching to VS2017 why trying to build or deploy to Device:

Error CS0006 Metadata file '...\App\GeneratedProjects\UWP\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass\bin\x86\Release\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll'

Error CS0006 Metadata file '...\App\GeneratedProjects\UWP\Assembly-CSharp\bin\x86\Release\Assembly-CSharp.dll'

Error The BaseIntermediateOutputPath must end with a trailing slash. Assembly-CSharp-firstpass

Error The BaseIntermediateOutputPath must end with a trailing slash. Assembly-CSharp


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    Visual Studio 2017 RC Release notes show a breaking change:-

    Starting in Visual Studio 2017 RC SDK, there is a breaking change with how Visual Studio consumes project and item templates in order to improve performance of template discovery. The new discovery mechanism now requires all item and project templates following "vstemplate" schema to be defined in template manifest files. Visual Studio templates that you do not define in a template manifest file will no longer be visible in New Project or New Item dialogs. While new VSSDK tooling will generate manifest during VSIX build time, if you have Visual Studio templates released as part of a MSI package, you must manually generate template manifest files for those templates

    So you wont be able to manually generate template manifest files for those templates.

    I suggest you follow the HoloLens load instruction

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    what does this mean, the instructions you linked to mention only 2015. Is 2017 unsupported for Hololens dev for now?

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    You're a pioneer here, Chris. You'll have to let us know if you can get 2017 working with HoloLens.

    James Ashley
    VS 2017 v5.3.3, Unity 2017.3.0f3, MRTK 2017.1.2, W10 17063
    Microsoft MVP, Freelance HoloLens/MR Developer

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