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Unity Simulate in Editor - is this working?

Hey Guys,

I just downloaded the Unity beta 5.5.0b8 and I tried out the Holographic Emulation > Simulate in Editor function. I thought this would allow me to test out scenes directly on Unity, without having to deploy to HoloLens.

However, the Game view (while playing) is not responding to any of the keyboard or mouse inputs. Is there a key mapping somewhere for mimicking gaze and gestures on HoloLens?

Your help would be much appreciated!

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    edited November 2016

    I've been able to navigate (and thereby control the gaze) with the camera by adding ManualCameraControl.cs from HoloToolKit-Unity to my main camera, but I'm still unable to do gestures. For now it seems to only work properly with a game controller.

    I really hope that someone writes a script that lets us "keyboard-only" folk utilize this awesome new feature! If not, I will eventually do it when I know how.

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    edited November 2016

    The 5.4.0f3 build does not have an option for Holographic Emulation. How do I run it?

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    Holographic Simulator won't properly work only by the ManualCameraControl of HoloToolkit. You have to use a game controller to be able to move around the Simulator.

    Here's the blog related to Holographic Simulator if you need to check more details: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/09/29/introducing-holographic-emulation/

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    @spinteractive Holographic Simulator is not available in Unity 5.4.0f3. You have to upgrade to Unity 5.5 to use it

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    I can't get 'Simulate in Editor' to work properly with 5.5.0b9 with the latest HoloToolkit. The keyboard controls do nothing, and although it says it recognises my PS3 controller, it doesn't do anything.

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    @Toby said:
    I've been able to navigate (and thereby control the gaze) with the camera by adding ManualCameraControl.cs from HoloToolKit-Unity to my main camera, but I'm still unable to do gestures. For now it seems to only work properly with a game controller.

    I really hope that someone writes a script that lets us "keyboard-only" folk utilize this awesome new feature! If not, I will eventually do it when I know how.

    Get an Xbox controller and plug in with the mini-USB. That should work right away.

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