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Keeping GameObject In Same Position When Changing Scenes

edited May 2016 in Questions And Answers


We're currently developing a music app called KeyboARd that helps users learn to play the piano.

We've made it so that we can place a piano keyboard with the HoloLens, but we're stuck with trying to keep the keyboard in place in the same position.

In Unity, we've created an script that would save the keyboard's position before we switch scenes and then when we switch scenes we would re-position our keyboard, however we soon realized that the position saved is relative to where the HoloLens is facing.

Are there any ways that we can keep keep the keyboard in some absolute position or some other way to keep the keyboard in the same position when switching scenes?

Thank you!

Best Answer


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    Do you need to delete the keyboard and recreate it?

    You could use:

    And just keep the keyboard in the scene. Perhaps set inactive if you need to show something else while loading and then reactivate it?


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    We've tried DontDestroyOnLoad() too, but we also got the same problem. The keyboard always moves to the relative position of where the user is looking when we transition to a new scene.

    At this point the only thing we can think of is to put everything in one scene.

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    edited May 2016

    Perhaps you could try playing with the Sharing.unity test scene in the HoloToolkit-Unity. Idea would be to create a World Anchor and save it off. Your piano would be relative to that world anchor. Then when you transition to a new scene you first download the anchor and snap the Piano back into the same relative position. We teach this concept deeper in the Shared Holograms academy as well. Hope this helps.

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    @ChiCha I just accomplished this scenario with World Anchor Points - just watch out for any "static" gameobjects.

    Healthcare IT professional by day - Indie GameDev for UWP and mobile platforms by night

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    @ChiCha I have the same problem with you. Did you solve the problem with World Anchor? Thanks!

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    Use the world anchor store to save your points and load them between scenes. Only watch out to remove the anchors from the game object as you move them and add them back when done moving.

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    Is that possible to provide a working sample on this approach? I believe this is actually better approach even than the Galaxy Explorer method.

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    @Karthik I'm not aware of a sample off the top of my head, but the TapToPlace behavior has pretty much all of the code you need built-in.

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    I work in Developer Experiences at Microsoft. My posts are based on my own experience and don't represent Microsoft or HoloLens.

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    Thanks @jbienzms.

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