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IPD recording and restoring

Hi all,

My intent was to allow for multiple users to try the Hololens by:
o Having a user calibrate
o Writing down their IPD from the Device Portal
o When that user needs to use the device again, set that setting.

This would seem to be similar to what was done for our Holophotos at //BUILD, but the Device Portal says this:

Enter your IPD to adjust the stereo rendering offset for this device. The current value is specific to this device, and shouldn’t be used for any other purpose.

[ ] mm

|Save| |Reset|

See the bolded section. Is it actually true that the current value is not the value set by calibration? If that's the case, is there another way to easily store calibration for multiple users?


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    I have run the calibration numerous times on three devices. Two of them generate the same same value repeatedly within a tenth of a mm, but the third is always 3mm less than the other two.. interesting.

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