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Issue on debugging code in Holograms 101E

Hi there

We follow the instruction on Chapter 1 on https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/holographic/holograms_101e

When we open the generated code from unity into VS2015 and run, we have 25+ errors associated no object referenced ie:

UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour - The type of object is defined in assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, ...

Any ideas what causing this?

Prior to this, we installed the prequisites software such as:
1. VS2015 Update 2
2. Hololens Emulator
3. Unity Hololens Technical Preview Beta 10 - 64 bits
4. UWP Runtime


Best Answer


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    This is a known issue. The build will still build and deploy fine. It comes from not all the packages being fully downloaded before it does the pre-compile. If you wait a couple minutes, then re-build, the errors should go away.
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    edited April 2016

    Hi Jesse. I don't think is that one cause **Build Failed ** straight away (set as Release > x86 >Hololens Emulator 10.0.11082.1039)

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