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Live stream mixed reality of real world and holograms possible?

I understand that the Hololens can take mixed reality photos and videos of what the user is seeing (using Cortana commands if I remember correctly), but can that video stream be passed in real time to, say, a projector in a classroom (either directly or through another computer)?

Thank you for your help.

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    Very helpful. Thanks, Bryan!

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    Where do you place that /api/holographic/stream/live.mp4 uri? There is no media player for unity, I think. I guess you have to open windows media player programatically on the visual studio solution created from unity.

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    I wrote a step-by-step guide with some tips & tricks about how to use this api here: https://medium.com/truth-labs/how-to-share-your-reality-with-the-rest-of-the-world-22cea52ec07#.3hucuowfk

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    Excellent tutorial, danT. Thanks for that. I'm wondering if it's possible to access that live stream media source from more than one device. I'm guessing no. If I try to open from vlc and browser, one of them will stop. I guess we have to use OBS or vlc to share with multiple devices.

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