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Moving causing Jitter.

So the problem I'm facing is when I'm moving I walk around my Unity scene via my Hololens (and Legs), I find that when I move a bit too fast some of my objects jitter a bit. It does not happen in the emulator, only in the Hololens. Any insight on what could be causing this. Someone please point me in the right direction.


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    Frame rate would be my first guess.

    You can use the device portal to get a reading on your actual framerate.

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

    WinHUGR.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @WinHUGR
    WinHUGR YouTube Channel -- live streamed meetings

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    edited June 2016

    So the device portal shows that I'm running at 30FPS, it says that it's better to have a consistent 30FPS than an unstable FPS count, however at 30FPS the jitter happens. Any suggestions on how to bump my Unity project back to 60? Unless that's not doable.

    Edit: I've found stabilization planes. How would I apply this to Unity?

    Edit 2: Alright so the stabilization plane works, however it only works when it touches my objects. I want the players to be able to walk around, which means they'd be going through the plane. Would I make a sandwich? Have two stabilization planes? Pushing it further back does nothing, since it needs to be touching the objects... Apparently.

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    Numerous things will impact framerate.

    Poly count - where possible reduce complexity of your meshes

    Renderer - some renders are more performant than others, the HoloTool comes with a few that I believe are somewhat optimized

    Settings - be sure to set the Quality settings in Unity to fastest

    When you build and deploy, if you build as release and deploy without debugging you will get better runtime performance.

    Those are a few of the basics.

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

    WinHUGR.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @WinHUGR
    WinHUGR YouTube Channel -- live streamed meetings

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    That helped ALOT! You are a beautiful person and I hope you have the sweetest of dreams the next time you sleep. Thank you.

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    @HoloSheep said:
    When you build and deploy, if you build as release and deploy without debugging you will get better runtime performance.

    Personally, this was what kept biting me! I was doing everything I could to figure out why in the emulator my app was fine but on the device the holograms would pop and jitter all over the place. I finally realized I was running in Debug and set to release and all those problems disappeared. I'm sure all the other optimization work I did helped in the long run also :-)

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    Along with the guidance that @HoloSheep gave, you may benefit from using alternative shaders. The HoloToolkit contains optimized versions of many of the standard Unity shaders (Assets\HoloToolkit\Utilities\Shader). I use these shaders almost exclusively in projects that I write.

    The Unity provided Mobile andor Legacy shaders can also provide some savings.


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