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Hide Menu persistence

edited June 2016 in Questions And Answers

When sleeping overnight or restarting, windows lose their 'HideMenu' persistence. Is that by design or bug?

HideMenu on a few open windows
Windows show HideMenu bar


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    ahillierahillier mod
    Answer ✓

    This seems like a bug to me. For anyone who agrees, please use the feedback app on the HoloLens to report the issue (the more people who report this, the more likely it will be fixed -- even if it was originally 'by design').


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    Are you specifically talking about the Hide Menu option from the Holograms application?

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    Just double checked. Shows on Skype, holograms, images, browser. Pretty much everything I have pinned in my office.


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    edited June 2016

    I'll try to clarify. The bottom menu bar containing HideMenu, _Adjust _and _Remove _options.

    When I HideMenu on each of the windows pinned in my office (Skype, images, browser, etc), the menu is hidden as expected.

    When I reboot the device, all of the menu bars re-appear and i need to select HideMenu on each of the windows again.


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    Yea, I noticed this too. It would be nice if the menu for the pinned holograms would hide by default or at least the settings persist through a reboot, sleep, etc.

    Here's an image of the menu I'm talking about. You can even see the menu on all of the letters on the holograms downstairs. Those menus constantly pop up and it would be much cleaner if they were either hidden by default or stay hidden once you've clicked the "Hide Menu" button. Thanks.

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    ahillierahillier mod
    Answer ✓

    This seems like a bug to me. For anyone who agrees, please use the feedback app on the HoloLens to report the issue (the more people who report this, the more likely it will be fixed -- even if it was originally 'by design').

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    hello. Can you help how can i find and add to project these buttons on the picture ?

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