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Purchasing development version of Hololens

Hello everyone,
My Hololens purchase would be expired tomorrow, I am thinking whether or not I should buy it for development. $4000 CAD is a huge investment for me.

I am a beginner programmer without any working knowledge on programming. I only done a few small android development project (weather & movie & 2D platform games).

Can anyone advise whether I should invest into hololens or just use the emulator?


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    Wait for another year or may be till next holidays 2017!!!

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    Alec_HAlec_H ✭✭

    @Kapo I would agree with @HoloDevices, maybe wait a year until the price drops. I assume they will once out of development phase. If you're really interested in AR you can do the tutorials and see if it would be up your alley, but a day is a short period. Maybe look at an oculus and start with those if money is an issue. I will say this, however, I am going to be a sophomore in college(maybe you call it university) with only one year of any programming experience and I've made an app for a company that they are using as a demo app. Yes, it is not anything amazing, but I made it. None the less I'm proud to have a finished project at the end of this summer. I'm not going to say it's hard just takes time to learn. Hope this helps with your decision.

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    Thanks for replying, I think this is a good advice that I should wait until next year.
    I will keep learning hololens development until I feel comfortable to make an app for it.
    Then I will consider purchasing one.

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